The decibel (dB) is a unit of measurement that can be used worldwide to indicate the volume of a sound.
Initially, the more decibels, the louder we perceive it. Sounds up to 15 decibels are barely perceptible to the human ear. However, the decibel is by no means a uniform unit like the kilogram or the meter, but essentially increases in value faster and faster. A doubling of the volume means a change of 10 dB. In other words: 70 dB is twice as loud as 60 dB – or a rock concert eight times louder than the traffic in the city center.
PREFORM (Schweiz) AG
Zunstrasse 11
CH-8152 Opfikon
Esbacher Weg 15
D-91555 Feuchtwangen
Esbacher Weg 15
D-91555 Feuchtwangen